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Christopher Uriarte

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Our high quality radioisotopes and sealed sources are used in a wide array of applications, including oil well logging, radioactive material analysis, non-destructive testing, and security imaging/inspection equipment. Americium 241 (Am-241) Thickness Gauging, Material Analysis, Flow Gauging Americium/ Beryllium (AmBe) Oil Well Logging, Materials Analysis, Thickness Gauging Californium 252 (Cf-252) Oil Well Logging, Thickness Gauging, Reactor Startup, Fuel Rod Scanning, Materials Analysis, Medical Cesium 137 (Caesium 137) (Cs-137) Oil Well Logging, Thickness Gauging, Flow Measurement, Level Measurement, Medical Cobalt 60 (Co-60) Non-destructive testing, Security Systems, Level Gauging, Medical, Food Safety

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