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Christopher Parish's Linkedin Analytics

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Christopher Parish

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Currently, CEO & Co-Founder of Poney. We're launching our new app in Q1 2024. I bet you'll love it. Previously, Chris was the SVP of User Acquisition at Seriously Digital Entertainment. He’s a mobile and user acquisition expert with over 20 years of experience. He joined Seriously in 2016 as its first user acquisition hire, building a team focused on growth and profitability that ultimately led to the acquisition of Seriously Digital by Playtika in 2019. Chris has extensive knowledge and expertise in all traditional and emerging digital channels, as well as working hand in hand with offline and mass media marketing efforts. His team also managed ad monetization before its transition to the proprietary Playtika mediation platform. Prior to Seriously Digital, Chris was a partner in BMC Consulting, a profitable digital agency, before his desire to work on the publisher side let him to Monarc Gaming Labs and ultimately Seriously. Chris began his professional career at Capital One, heavily focused on data and business intelligence. That experience in data driven decision making helped him succeed on the analytics side for ten years and has proved invaluable in his marketing and growth efforts. Chris holds Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from The University Of Michigan, which won the National Championship of college football on January 8 2024. He’s the creator and co-host of Manhattan Beach’s most popular podcast, “Dad’s Night Podcast”, as well as an accomplished musician whose band, The Chris Parish Band, can be found on Spotify and all major platforms. His fried chicken sandwich is deemed by many to be, quote, “the best thing I have ever eaten”.

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