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Claire Garcia

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I am passionate about innovation and I am convinced that an idea can begin at any time anywhere, and this idea can help any company around the world. I just launched a new project about helping companies to find the best solution and connect them with suitables startup. On the other hand, we promote startups worlwide and we help them to find clients. Proactive, highly organised and motivated with a multilingual background including an exceptional work ethic, commitment to organisational objectives with a highly competitive and rapidly changing marketplace. A natural leader and decision maker with strong communication and problem solving skills. My skills and achievements: • Excellent knowledge of marketing strategies • Great ability of marketing background which includes market research, product development, strategic planning, identification of market opportunities, etc. • Business development: able to assess and meet customer needs, consistent deadline and target achiever • Team work: excellent collaboration and planning skills, effective communication and commitment to team goals • Efficient project management and organisational skills • Business awareness and problem solving • Fluent in French, Spanish and English

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