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🚀Clemence Ekosso's Linkedin Analytics

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🚀Clemence Ekosso

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HELLO 🌼 I am CLEMENCE EKOSSO, founder of @CLEMENCE DIGITALE. 🏆 I started my company in 2020, during the COVID-19 period - when internships were hard to find because many companies had stopped hiring due to the pandemic. But very quickly, as I was meeting people who had lost their jobs and were looking to transition into entrepreneurs, I realized how many opportunities there were: Digital can empower these people again! This is what led to the creation of CLEMENCE DIGITALE. 👉🏽 Today, I offer a wide range of services to my clients. Which include: ✅ Entrepreneurship and Digital Strategy Consulting. ✅ The creation of web content and social media, ✅ Paid advertising via Google and Bing Ads, etc., ✅ Branding professional profiles on LinkedIn, ✅ Website creation or web design ✅ Photo studio services 🆕 CLEMENCE STUDIO🤩 is my innovative photo studio concept that helps highlight your personal and professional image. We provide you with high-quality photos that you can use on LinkedIn, Viadeo, or any other social media platforms. This will allow you to have quality branding and a serious and credible profile! 👉🏽 Now you know everything 😊 👉🏽 Let's collaborate together 🧑🏿🚀! 👉🏽 To book an appointment with me : 👉🏽 [email protected]

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