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Cristina-Maria Halostă🇷🇴🇨🇭's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Cristina-Maria Halostă🇷🇴🇨🇭

Cristina-Maria Halostă🇷🇴🇨🇭

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Growth Marketer with over 7 years of experience in digital marketing content and campaign management, Omnichannel CRM and sales operations of which more than 3 years conceptualizing, implementing, executing, and overseeing digital marketing campaigns through Marketing Automation and Data Analytics with different ESP and CRM platforms in the retail industry, combined with delivering superior customer service and support as a Customer Relationship Manager. Growth mindset, with a continuous desire for learning and gaining new digital marketing skills. Already finished 3 Apprenticeships through @Acadium in a 9-month period which resulted in accomplishing expertise in the following areas: • Graphic Design (Canva) • CRM and Marketing Automation (Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, Salesforce, Hubspot, Pabbly) • Social Media Marketing (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram Ads) • Social Media Community Management • Data Analytics (Google Analytics, and Facebook Business Manager) • Video Creation (Headliner) • Content Writing (blog articles, social media posts, newsletters, and email campaigns) • Web Content and eCommerce Management (WordPress, Shopify, and Magento) • SEO • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook) - advanced Customer-oriented mindset, resilient, with huge positive energy, self-motivated, detail and solution-oriented, great leadership skills, able to multitask within a fast-paced environment, organized, excellent intercultural and cross-functional skills, outstanding omnichannel communication skills, flexible team player with excellent problem-solving abilities, performance analytical and time-management skills in growing business relations, sales and generating practical solutions based on client demand.

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