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Coen Oude Luttikhuis's Linkedin Analytics

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Program Affinity: Preferred development stack : .NET (core) / Node for backend, Angular 7+ for frontend and Ionic for hybrid app development Languages: C#, JS, Java, VB.NET, PHP, Node, (non)SQL, HTML5/CSS3, Ruby, Python, Foxpro, Basic Spoken languages: Dutch (native), English (very good), German (good), Spanish (beginner) Technologies: Angular.js - Angular 7, React/Redux, Ionic, Node.js, XAML, MVC / WCF, Meteor.JS, React, Silverlight, Linq, Firebase, Jquery and a dozen more.. Extra Programs affinity / Experience: SAP Business One Azure Windows server IIS Accountview Exact Visual studio MSSQL Oracle / MySQL Crystal Reports Rational Unified Processes (Rational Rose) Espress Reports Jira DevExpress Expression Blend 3 & 4 & many more OS: Dos, Linux, MacOS, Windows server 2003/2008/2012, Windows 95 and up. Methods: Scrum(master), Agile, UML, TFS Creator of: Auto360 (graduation paper)

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