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Colleen Watson

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One of the most challenging aspects of creating content for your business, besides the time commitment, is creating content that is both engaging and informative for your target audience while also aligning with the goals and objectives of your company. Many entrepreneurs find writing about themselves and their businesses difficult. Business owners want to get their message across without sounding boastful or arrogant. As a rock star in your field, you need content that makes you shine. To make your brand stand out, your website content and blog post need to be written in your voice so that the reader gains a sense of who you are and what you are all about. If you enjoy writing about yourself and your business, you may lack time to plan your content strategy properly. You must create a content strategy to ensure your content is consistent, relevant, and valuable to your intended audience while supporting your organization's mission and brand. Are you overwhelmed? I can help you design a content strategy that will help you to reach the right audience and create a comprehensive message that exemplifies your spirit of service and desire to help people. Defining an ideal client persona and generating content ideas are my specialty. As an entrepreneur, I understand the multiple roles you must fulfill; content writing may not be your top priority when managing other tasks. Let's develop a content strategy to make content creation easier. As a former librarian, I learned a little about a lot of different things. However, the most important skill I learned was the importance of organization. Organizing is essential for effective content writing. Creating a content strategy allows you to organize your thoughts about your ideal client, content goals, and consistent, cohesive messaging. As an innovative content strategist, I help you define your ideal client persona, identify SEO keywords, and generate ideas for repurposing content. Let's measure if your messaging is effective without being overwhelmed by metrics; I can help keep it simple. Using my ability to think strategically and develop effective strategies, I have helped business owners generate ideas for a cohesive content plan. As your content writing coach, I can also show you how to generate effective content. I also help podcasters generate topics, talking points and repurpose podcasts for social media posts. The ultimate goal is to help your ideal client understand your value in the marketplace through impactful content. Click for a free consultation: https://calendly.com/centuryplan

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