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Colter Starks

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►Areas I Excel In I am a results focused Vice President of Finance and trusted, influential member of Executive Leadership Teams providing insights to guide C-suite and department leaders on recommendations for critical business decisions. I offer an exceptional breadth of business acumen across finance and operations consistently delivering results for top/bottom-line growth and scalability. I am known for taking ownership of financial planning and analysis (FP&A) strategy, financial modelling, variance analysis, internal controls, tax compliance, risk mitigation, budgeting, forecasting, and P&L. Crafts and delivers financial reporting for executive leaders with full transparency. Conducts in-depth due diligence across all areas of the business (operations, systems, personnel, compliance). Analyzes data to determine areas of instability, then develops and executes long-term strategies to maximize profitability through logical investments to fuel growth and methodical cost reductions. ►What Drives Me I am passionate about contributing expertise to early-stage startups with success developing infrastructure, and transforming finance and accounting divisions, building high performing teams to collaboratively deliver significant impact. As a process driven professional, I constantly seeks opportunities for continuous improvement by implementing, streamlining, and automating processes creating more efficiency, accuracy, and productivity while reducing organizational costs. I employ a pragmatic and innovative approach, while adhering to standards, never compromising integrity or quality.

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