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Do you know how much money the average contractor/vendor loses on transportation? Do you know how stressful and painful it is to deal with the hassles of delays, traffic, parking, tolls and tickets? That’s why I started cRIDE. cRIDE is The first transport sharing app and on-demand delivery platform for the construction industry, along with everyday people. It’s an app/platform that solves the problem of transporting tools, equipment and materials from point A to B. No need for contractors or vendors to own a vehicle, pay for insurances, pay a driver and deal with the daily aggravation that comes with it. cRIDE takes care of your transportation. Growing up as a son of a painting contractor, I started working in construction at a very young age of 7 and grew up in the industry from helping my father, being a painters helper, painter, concrete laborer, builder, to running the family business with my brother. At 25 my father had passed, at 26 I left the family business and started working for RCDolner building high rises as an assistant project superintendent. I started college again taking night classes. I worked for several of the top competitors in the Tri-State area including Marson Contracting Company, Pavarini McGovern, Torcon and RCDolner Construction LLC. I obtained a plethora of both large scale and small scale experience in the construction industry. This experience includes the entire construction of three high rises, twelve, nineteen and thirty four stories tall located in the heart of Manhattan. Two major hotel renovations, both located in New York City, full-gut brownstone renovation in the West Village, and a massive renovation of the Egyptian Gallery located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Along with this work, I have also been in charge of the renovation of many different apartments and lofts all throughout New York City. Somewhere in the middle of all this I decided to start my own construction Company VINCON Enterprises LLC. 14 yrs ago. In 2016 I founded cRIDE while trying to solve a quintessential problem that all contractors have: Transporting tools, equipment & materials on-demand. cRIDE is a result of my strong knowledge of the construction industry and a serious problem that I personally encountered. cRIDE was created for contractors, vendors, suppliers, designers and for everyday people to transport anything they can fit in a van. cRIDE also gives the opportunity to the commercial vehicles owners to utilize their van and make some extra money. Download our app today! www.getcride.com

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