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Mohamed Zaraa's Linkedin Analytics

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Mohamed Zaraa

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🚀 Web-Marketing Consultant | Multichannel Expert | +10 years of experience With over a decade of experience in web marketing, I offer my expertise to businesses to enhance their online visibility and boost their growth. 🔹 Comprehensive Advertising Expertise📢: In an ever-evolving world, an effective advertising strategy is crucial. - Google Ads🎯: Google's advertising platform is a powerful lever to reach a targeted audience. - Search: Creation of optimized ads for maximum visibility on relevant queries. - Display: Precise targeting to reach your ideal audience across the web. - Shopping: Strategic product promotion to maximize ROI. - Performance Max: Use of Google's latest automated solution to maximize conversions across all channels. - Social Ads📱: In the digital age, social media advertising is essential for engagement and conversion. - Facebook & Instagram: Targeted campaigns to engage, convert, and retain. - LinkedIn: B2B strategies to generate qualified leads and establish strong professional relationships. 🔹 Optimization & Web Visibility🌐: Online visibility is the key to success in today's digital world. - SEO🔍: Natural referencing is an art that requires sharp expertise to ensure lasting visibility. - Web Writing✍️: Creation of rich, relevant content optimized for SEO. - Netlinking🔗: Strategies to acquire quality backlinks to strengthen notoriety. - Keyword Research🔑: Identification and targeting of key terms to attract qualified traffic. 🔹 Data Analysis & Reporting📊: In the era of Big Data, understanding your data is essential. - GA4: Deep exploitation of Google Analytics 4 for precise understanding of user behavior. - Looker Studio: Creation of customized dashboards for clear visualization of KPIs. 🔹 Knowledge Sharing & Training🎓: Sharing knowledge is essential for collective growth. - Schools: Regular interventions in Business and Communication Schools. - Professionals: Tailored training, covering current trends. 🔹 Community Engagement❤️: Beyond business, community involvement is paramount. - Initiative Nice Côte d'Azur: Active support for local entrepreneurs. 📌 Passionate about web marketing, I am committed to helping businesses gain visibility and boost their activity.

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