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Helping someone's best self come to the surface, working my magic on a poorly structured (or non-existent) document, and sharing tools to be successful in job search, brings me tremendous joy. Doing it in a way that is streamlined, personable, and has proven results is innate to my character and sets me apart. What drives this passion? The vast majority of us, despite all of our differences, will all engage in the same process of seeking and securing new employment throughout our adult life. And candidly, when we're up against: over 250 applicants per position, 75% or more of applications being deleted by computerized screening systems, and hiring managers that scan resumes for 7 seconds or less, most of us don't do it exceptionally well. Yet, securing employment is critical to meeting our most basic needs and securing a great job can impact our livelihood. So… take it from the top. If you or your group are in need of job search preparation support, lets chat! AREAS OF EXCELLENCE: individualized services, class facilitation, resume writing and updating, cover letter writing and review, LinkedIn profile optimization, wordsmithing, content sorting, client interviews, skill extraction, strengths-based and supportive service provision.

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