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More profit, more cash, less headaches. This pretty much sums-up what most business owners want and what I focus on when helping owners to make their business a saleable asset. This is in addition to pursuing board positions, business acquisitions (where annual turnover is $2m - $5m), and undertaking small-scale property developments. Having started my career in Chartered Accounting when I was 17, I’ve spent more than 30 years being involved with private business of all shapes and sizes, in an accounting, investment/ownership and advisory capacity. From being chased by forklifts at a major fruit market when visiting a client, to helping shape a strategic plan for a large finance business, the diversity of businesses I’ve had the good fortune to have had involvement with over the years has been very enlightening. Whilst I commenced my career being heavily involved in tax, as the years progressed and I started owning interests in some businesses, I found myself becoming more engrossed and involved with logistical, strategic and growth issues surrounding a business. This has led me to move towards working with business owners who want to make their business a saleable asset and determining the best approach to realise this goal. A common consequence of undertaking this process is that business profits and free cash-flow generally increase as well. Of particular interest has been discussing the benefits of advisory boards for SMEs, providing strategic input and explaining how these can potentially aid the business owner in achieving what they want. Some recent wins have revolved around providing an independent assessment of a particular situation to a business owner and then helping with formulating a plan to move forward. This eventually resulted in a business sale that had previously fallen through being successfully consummated for the vendor’s desired price and terms. I also find great enjoyment in providing financial education courses for business owners and investors.

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