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Justin Thomas

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Digital marketing expert, guest speaker and industry judge. I’m passionate about building successful growth strategy using paid social, paid search, display and digital PR. Client experience: Team Sport, Aqua Restaurant Group, Legend London, Urban Excess, Article London, Fabletics, Taylor Morris, Boux Avenue, Sushishop, Amazon, Pizza Express, Peacocks, Jaeger, Wowcher, Party Casino, Laundrapp, Vivobarefoot, Capital One, The Economist, Bain and Company, Toucan Box and many more. AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 UK Biddable Awards Winner - Agency Trading Desk of The Year 2017 Performance Marketing Award Highly Commended - Best Retail Campaign - Tomorrow TTH and Boux Avenue 2017 Performance Marketing Award Highly Commended - Best Integrated Campaign - Tomorrow TTH and Boux Avenue 2015 Performance Marketing Award Highly Commended - Best Lead Generation Campaign - TTH Media and Time Inc 2013 Performance Marketing Award Winner - Best Lead Generation Campaign - TTH Media and Wowcher INDUSTRY Performance In - Panel host, panelist, speaker PPA awards - Speaker & judge International Search Awards - Judge IAB - Lead generation taskforce chair SPECIALITIES & EXPERIENCE Agency Leadership, Performance Marketing, Digital Marketing, Biddable Media, Paid Social, Lead Generation, Programmatic Advertising, Direct Response, PPC/Paid Search, Email Marketing, Media Planning, Affiliate Marketing, Direct Marketing, Data Strategy, Marketing Consultancy, Business Development, Data and Analytics CERTIFICATIONS Google Shopping Google CSS Shopping Hero Google Search

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