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Cynthia is management consultant/anthropologist and president of Ceatro Group. She is a strategy consultant with 25 years experience at well-known global clients. Her skill set spans human behavior, supply chain, product development, customer experience and strategy, customer service and service design, overall design and innovation. Cynthia typically works with organizations that have complex product and service offerings, multi-year relationships with customers in both the B2B and B2C space. Executives and P&L leaders count on Cynthia for her accurate analysis, efficient projects, executive-level relationships, and her deep understanding human behavior, customer experience, customer service, and innovation. Cynthia is also a multi-media painter. She is currently showing 40 paintings in a solo show at ShawSpring Partners in Boston (showing by appointment), selling direct, by commission, and as the first original artist on Wayfair's designer site, Perigold.

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