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Dajana Eder's Linkedin Analytics

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Dajana Eder

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“A lack of visibility of women, non-binary, B*POC or LGBTQIA* people leads to a reproduction of internalized discrimination. If you aren’t visible, you won’t be represented. If you aren’t represented you do not exist.” D.E. From web2 communication specialist to "I'm willing to learn everything I need to know to create an inclusive web3". Highly believing in the shift from brand- and community building to ownership culture and decentralization of data. Will we meet in metaverse? open for discussions, speaking, workshops, freelance, mentoring, guest articles, podcast … w/ focus on diversity, inclusion and ownership culture join our female web3 community: https://dsc.gg/wom3n.dao **** In 2008 I discovered Web2 and Social Media as future technology for brand- and community building and decided to become selfemployed in my early twenties. More than 12 years I saw myself responsible for creating inclusive on- and offline communication strategies. During Covid I mentored and coached women, non-binary and queer people to become visible with their personal brand. With the NFT-boom in 2021 I fully focused on Web3, the power of dezentralication and the shift to ownership culture.

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