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Damien Lewke

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* Director of Product Management across AI, Threat Intelligence, Machine Learning, Security Research and Detections Engineering * Graduate Student Studying System Design and Management at MIT * Embedded Systems Cybersecurity test, validation and automation development and research experience at MIT Lincoln Labs * Raised over $7500 for Massachusetts General Hospital's Pediatric Cancer Marathon Team, completing Boston Marathon 2022 * Senior Enterprise Systems Engineer at Palo Alto Networks, Australia * Awarded President's Club as Systems Engineer at Palo Alto Networks * Palo Alto Networks JAPAC SE Elite 2021 * Pre-to-Post IPO Experience at CrowdStrike - from Product Marketing to Solutions Architecture * Speaking Engagements at Gartner, RSA and CrowdStrike Partner Events * Weapons System Engineer at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems * Supply Chain on James Webb Space Telescope

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