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Dan Lynch's Linkedin Analytics

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Dan Lynch

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Passionate, strategic and innovative leader in complex IT solutions space with over 20 years’ experience in ever-changing environments, ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Exceptionally adept at driving business transformations and turn-arounds, leading through change, building strong management teams and motivating and empowering employees across the organization to consistently exceed revenue and profit targets. Accomplishments: • Success with Start-up with triple-digit growth three years running leading to Fortune 500 acquisition • Manage multi—national $1.2B revenue business • Increased revenues, profits and orders 22 out of the last 23 quarters sequentially and QoQ • Increased services in down technology hardware market three years running • Rolled out many new solutions from concept through deployment including Cloud, Hybrid IT Solutions • Highest levels of customer satisfaction scores • Served on several CXO advisory councils leading to new logo business • Keynote speaker at industry events and executive briefing centers throughout North America Strengths: • Extensive background in sales, operations, delivery and portfolio management • Transforming down-trending organizations into profitable, thriving entities • Creating data-driven strategy and implementing reality-based business plans to accelerate growth • Exceeding budgets and consistently increasing profitability at an aggressive pace • Improving productivity and reducing operating costs • Developing and maintaining strong relationships with team members, customers and suppliers • Leading by example with a sense of adventure, high integrity and a customer-centric approach • Recognized as an inclusive and invigorating leader, consistently achieving highest ratings on employee engagement scores

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