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Daniel Mullin DipFA's Linkedin Analytics

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Daniel Mullin DipFA

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Hi, my name is Dan, a Client Manager here at Odyssey Pensions ๐Ÿค โ€œTo consistently grow, develop, and challenge myself so that I can be better than the person I was the day before.โ€ As an organically grown bespoke SIPP/SSAS provider here in South Wales we believe in challenging the status quo and feel that outcomes are best delivered when you can speak to a reliable, trusted & dedicated organisation - and a human being. Here we are ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ ๐ŸŸข At Odyssey, everything we do we believe in creating memorable experiences for people โ€“ for our colleagues and our clients. Our purpose is to serve powerfully and create a remarkable retirement journey for every client. The way we behave is prioritising our relationships, simplify the complexity and by always doing the right thing. We just so happen to be a reputable SIPP/SSAS Provider ๐ŸŸข ๐Ÿ‘‚ Are you interested in hearing more? ๐Ÿ‘‚ Then just click the following Calendly link in my contact section to schedule some time with us, the team and I would love to hear from you! Speak soon

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