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daniela (dani) herrera

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WHO AM I? Hi, I'm Dani 👋🏻, a bilingual, award-winning Latina Immigrant. I'm a certified DEI & Talent Consultant, Speaker, and Trainer with 17+ years of global experience in Talent Operations, Recruitment, DEI, and Leadership. I'm radically and unapologetically committed to helping organizations analyze and deconstruct systemically biased, and inequitable systems. I work (very!) intentionally to nurture cultures that attract and retain talent from historically excluded communities, design processes that minimize biases, and build strategies that foster inclusion, equity, and accessibility. MY APPROACH I help Organizations, Talent Teams, and Leaders become more Intentionally Inclusive. I also mentor Historically Excluded Talent so they can better navigate workplaces and hiring practices. I design tailored consultancy services, workshops, talks, and training sessions that help companies, cultures, workplaces, talent, and teams become intentionally inclusive. MY STORY Being intentionally inclusive has always come naturally to me. Even when I didn’t have the exact words to articulate what I was doing, I knew DEI was my purpose. My experience helps me identify where processes need to be redesigned and where intentional inclusion can take place to make an organization and culture thrive. WHAT I SPEAK ABOUT 🟣 Being Intentionally Inclusive 🟣 Inclusive Hiring and Diversity Recruiting 🟣 Inclusive language 🟣 Minimizing Biases 🟣 Inclusive Leadership 🟣 Supporting Latine Talent and Immigrant Talent 🟣 Global DE&I 🟣 Ethical AI WHERE HAVE I TALKED? 🟣 SXSW 🟣 Disrupt HR 🟣 Lesbians Who Tech 🟣 WomenTech Global 🟣 RecruitingDaily 🟣 Hacking HR 🟣 Techqueria 🟣 Manifest Equity 🟣 National Hispanic Corporate Council 🟣 & more I'VE BEEN FEATURED IN 🟣 Forbes 🟣 Business Insider 🟣 Refinery29 🟣 Inc. 🟣 BBC 🟣 LinkedIn News 🟣 Indeed 🟣 & more! MY AWARDS 🟣 Latino Leaders' 100 Latinas 🟣 Flexa's Future of Work Pioneers 🟣 Culture Amp’s 25 Emerging Culture Creators 🟣 Xobin's Top HR Leaders 2023 & 2024 🟣 Latino Professionals' Top 30 Rising Latinos 🟣 RPOA's Influential Woman Award 🟣 ALPFA's Powerful Latinas 🟣 NYC Latinos 40 under 40 🟣 PR NEWS' Mentor of the Year 🟣 WomenTech's Speaker of the Year 🟣 Mogul's Top DEI Leaders in 2021 & 2022 Interested in having me speak at your next event, podcast, or conference? Wanna collaborate with me and build a more inclusive and equitable workplace? Want to have a 1:1 Mentoring Session with me? 💌 Send me a DM! I can't wait to collaborate with you.

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