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Hey there, thanks for checking out my profile! I'm Daniel but feel free to call me the Accessibility Apostle. Allow me to share how I became the Accessibility Apostle... My passion for accessibility ignited when I encountered a young man with a motor disability the year I graduated from school. Observing the lack of provisions to make education accessible made me realize that individuals with disabilities have the same dreams, goals, and passions as I do. I pondered, "š—¦š—µš—¼š˜‚š—¹š—±š—»'š˜ š˜‚š˜€š—²š—暝˜€ š˜„š—¶š˜š—µ š—±š—¶š˜€š—®š—Æš—¶š—¹š—¶š˜š—¶š—²š˜€ š—²š—»š—·š—¼š˜† š˜š—µš—² š˜€š—®š—ŗš—² š˜€š—²š—®š—ŗš—¹š—²š˜€š˜€ š—±š—¶š—“š—¶š˜š—®š—¹ š—²š˜…š—½š—²š—暝—¶š—²š—»š—°š—² š—®š˜€ š˜š—µš—¼š˜€š—² š˜„š—¶š˜š—µš—¼š˜‚š˜ š—±š—¶š˜€š—®š—Æš—¶š—¹š—¶š˜š—¶š—²š˜€?" That, my friend, was the turning point for me. Since then, my mission has been to ensure that users with disabilities enjoy the same seamless digital experience as those without disabilities. I aim to make 97% of the internet accessible by building accessible solutions while raising awareness among SaaS startups about the importance of web accessibility and its impact. Over the past four years, I've worked closely with startups in areas like document automation, fleet management, social and arts, EdTech, and healthcare, ensuring that products are more accessible to users as well as making sure business needs are met My strengths intersect between empathy, collaboration, design strategy and visual communication. š—”š—暝—² š˜†š—¼š˜‚ š—® š˜€š˜š—®š—暝˜š˜‚š—½ š—¹š—¼š—¼š—øš—¶š—»š—“ š˜š—¼ š—¶š—»š—°š—暝—²š—®š˜€š—² š—暝—²š˜ƒš—²š—»š˜‚š—² š—Æš˜† š—°š—暝—²š—®š˜š—¶š—»š—“ š—½š—暝—¼š—±š˜‚š—°š˜š˜€ š˜š—µš—®š˜ š—ŗš—²š—²š˜ š˜‚š˜€š—²š—暝˜€' š—»š—²š—²š—±š˜€, š—¶š—»š—°š—¹š˜‚š—±š—¶š—»š—“ š˜š—µš—¼š˜€š—² š˜„š—¶š˜š—µ š—±š—¶š˜€š—®š—Æš—¶š—¹š—¶š˜š—¶š—²š˜€? If so, I'm here to ensure that happens. šŸ“© Send me a message on LinkedIn to discuss how we can work together to make your products accessible.

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