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Daniel Brenneman 💛's Linkedin Analytics

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Daniel Brenneman 💛

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After almost a decade in the workforce, I thought I was fated to be a jack of all trades and master of none. I held a wide variety of roles from graphic designer to project manager to consultant to email designer. Then I realized that through it all, I’d actually developed a superpower. As a bit of a career nomad, I developed empathy for those around me because I was exposed to so many different types of people. I realized that making people feel seen, known, and understood was an absolute cheat code. And the ability to market with empathy was a skill rarely seen in the business world. So I began using emotion in copywriting, design, and experiential marketing. What happened next floored me. People began to resonate with what I was saying. They were inspired to buy what I was helping sell because they believed it would make their lives better. They connected in a way I hadn’t anticipated. Even more beyond my imagination, those initiatives began to bear fruit: → I saw an 18% category lift one week for Lowe’s following a new approach on an old ad style → I helped build a 300k person email list that motivated people every morning → I boosted volunteer signups over 300% with an initiative that provided clarity and ease of use → I helped raise retention across the board for Elevation Church by mapping the guest journey and identifying where people weren’t feeling seen, known, and understood Throughout this wild ride, I created frameworks, processes, and methodologies that move people from brand awareness to brand evangelist. And now I teach purpose-driven founders and marketers to get the same results with those same methodologies (as well as some updated and exponentially more effective frameworks.) Check out the Empathy Marketing Academy to learn how. Link is in the featured section. If you wanna just connect, let’s do that too. Shoot me a DM and let's chat. As an extrovert working from home, newfound camaraderie is what I'm here for!

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