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Dan McMahon, CPA, CMAA's Linkedin Analytics

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Integrated Growth Advisors, LLC (“IGA”) was formed with the mission to assist privately-held businesses attain sustainable growth through strategic planning and tactical follow through. We support our clients in achieving their goals by offering three benefits. First, Sustainable Growth and Profitability We work with our clients to develop customized strategies that ensure sustainable growth and increased profitability. Our goal is to help our clients' businesses thrive in the long term, not just survive in the day to day. Second, Transition Readiness Our advisors guide a client through building the necessary infrastructure and processes to prepare the business for a seamless and profitable transition of ownership. This ensures that when the time comes, a client's business is ready for a smooth handover. Third, Maximizing Business Value Our ultimate objective is to maximize the client's business's value. By bridging the gap from growth to transition readiness, we create a more valuable business that can command the sale price a business owner always dreamed about. We help turn that dream into reality, allowing our clients to focus on what they do best while we focus on what we do best: serving their needs. IGA’s target market consists of owner operated businesses, including a special niche in serving professional services firms, with gross revenues between $5 million and $30 million.

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