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Dario Gimenez

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Currently I'm working on the next disrupting platform for skill-based games as a solution to the gambling industry: Pow Gaming. I really enjoy designing and managing technology products. I'm thrilled about making decisions based on technological and business processes as well as being immersed in the everyday project development, interacting with the stakeholders. I have 17 years of experience working for companies, also as a freelancer. I have founded two startups. I have closed two startups. I have learned a lot in the process. Wish me luck with the 3rd one! I have been leading developer teams for the last ten years. I'm interested in designing and developing blockchain-based products, specially for the gaming industry. I'm learning about blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrencies. I have a lot of experience in developing web-based products, as well as multiplatform and multiplayer games. I have been working with many technologies: - Node, Webpack, Npm, TypeScript - React, Angular, Vue - MongoDB - HTML, CSS, Javascript - PHP, MySQL - Python, Java - AWS - Unity3D, C#

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