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Dario Valente's Linkedin Analytics

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Dario Valente

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Is your LinkedIn™️ content connecting with your target audience? Are you using your LinkedIn™️ Company Page to its full potential? Do you support your team to use and grow on LinkedIn™️? Your business should be buzzing through its content. -Content that's real. -Content that resonates. -Content that connects with your audience. What does yours say about your business? After a 20-year B2B sales career, I started working with businesses in February 2019 to help them improve with marketing and LinkedIn™️ content. In that time, I've supported 20 solopreneurs, business owners and businesses on everything from optimising profiles to a full-blown "I'll do it all for you" LinkedIn™️ service. If you need help knowing where to start with LinkedIn™️ and your marketing, consider my support to help you and your business. You can expect all of this from me: -Lots of ideas -High-quality content -Algorithm and trend updates -Optimised LinkedIn™️ profiles -Content that your audience will love -Management of your social platforms -Marketing support to create collateral -Your team empowered to use LinkedIn™️ You will join a long list of happy clients working with me. Don't just take my word for it. Check out my recommendations. And website testimonials. ✨️ If your business needs content that connects with your audience, contact me at [email protected]. I'll get your business buzzing!

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