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Referrals are business gold. A massive 83% of people trust referrals - that’s way higher than any other form of advertising or promotion. And it’s why I founded Fresh Networking - to help businesses grow by giving and receiving referrals. Referrals are based on relationships. When people know, like and trust each other, relationships are formed and business referrals flow naturally. Fresh Networking provides a way for people to connect, learn from each other, support each other and have a lot of fun along the way. In short, to build the relationships that create business success. I grew my boutique travel business through networking and saw first-hand the way it can turbo-charge opportunity. But I also got frustrated with networking groups that had a ‘forced referrals’ approach. I didn’t want to refer to people just to hit a target. When I refer someone, it reflects back on me, so I only want to make 100% genuine recommendations of a business I would use myself. If you’re like me, and are looking for networking based on genuine trusted relationships, come and check out Fresh Networking. We focus first and foremost on relationships, and - guess what? - that results in heaps of meaningful, business-generating referrals. At Fresh, we’re all about: • Generosity - giving to others and paying it forward. We focus on helping our fellow members, not what we can receive. • Connection and support - we’re a community of colleagues, collaborators, partners and friends. • Education - learning new skills, and becoming ‘master networkers’ • Business - we attract highly professional, entrepreneurial people who are great at what they do. • Fun - networking doesn’t have to be stuffy, you’ll hear plenty of laughter at our meetings and socials. • Collaboration - we look for opportunities to work together - we see partnership not competition. Contact me to learn more, or be our guest at a meeting - book via www.freshnetworking.com.au Fresh Networking - More Connections, Less Blah

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