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Fiona O Keeffe PMP's Linkedin Analytics

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Fiona O Keeffe PMP

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I am a customer marketing and advocacy expert with over 15 years of experience in the technology industry, currently working as a Customer Advocacy Program Manager at Hitachi Vantara. My mission is to showcase customer innovation and success with Hitachi Vantara's products and services, and to support key business strategies through impactful customer programs. I design and deliver the EMEA and APAC customer reference program, working cross-functionally between sales, customer success, and marketing to identify, engage, and develop reference customers. As a PMP-certified professional, I have the skills and knowledge to manage complex and global projects, ensuring quality, efficiency, and alignment with stakeholder expectations. I have a proven track record of delivering successful customer programs in various roles and organizations, such as GitLab, Salesforce, CoreHR, and Oracle, using a holistic approach that includes customer insights, thought leadership, personal brand amplification, and storytelling. I am passionate about customer success, technology, and remote work, and I enjoy learning new skills and tools to enhance my performance and productivity.

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