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Dave Male

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Financial advisor- Focusing on personal advice across investement, pension provision and market opportunites. Sales Manager general Inssurance company. Responsible for sales across broad general insurance portfolio, add-on sales and management of sales agents. BT - Many roles with a progressive company, Desk territoriy management responsible for revenue growth and sales in to SME database. Field based switch (PABX) specialist, concentrating on SME market. Global services account manager, with responsibilty for some of BT's largest accounts. Responsible for revenue growth and protection whilst also managing complex bids, solutions and proposals that benefit the clients business. BT Indirect partner Sales - Representing BT to external comms partners, using the benefit of BT brand the breadth of portfolio and commercial revenue streams. Helping to empower the partners with excellent training, product knowledge and full support on opportunities. Helping discover new revenue streams and moving in to new markets. Specialties: External partner management. Indirect channel sales. Analysing market and advising on strategy.

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