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You probably saw my profile picture and thought “That guy was always in shape.” You would be wrong by about 57 kilos(125lbs)... Coming from a farming background, food is an important in the farming household. We worked very hard on our Dairy Farm but also ate very well. I began my fitness journey back in 2014 with weight loss being my main goal. I weighed approximately 140 kg(330lbs), 48% body-fat at my heaviest and unhappiest. I exhausted every fad diet that I read about online and in magazines. I was desperate to overcome my over dependency on food for happiness and lack of interest in exercise. For me the most difficult step was reaching out for help.. I was so happy I did which consisted of basic nutrition and training plan. I had to overcome my poor eating habits and regain a healthy relationship with food. It was hard at the beginning, but nobody ever told me it would be easy. I soon began to realise that I needed to be patient, accept that there would be times of self doubt and hardship but overall I learnt to trust in the process. After some time, I didn’t see food as the enemy and I began to enjoy training as I started to see real results, not only in the gym but also in myself, both physically and mentally. After 16 months I lost over 55 kilos and was happier than I had ever been before. I was very driven and successful with my career in the Agri sector lecturing Agri business, during that time grown a real passion for health and fitness and decided to complete a Level 4 Personal Training and nutrition course. I started an online fitness coaching program to help time limited Agri-Professionals achieve the physical transformations they want. And to date, I’ve helped over 1000s of people lose weight and achieve the bodies they’re looking for. The knowledge to offer people in terms of weight loss and muscle building from my own experience invaluable as I can resonate with both the highs and the challenges of the journey. This is the reason I coach today I am passionate about helping people that want to get that full lifestyle change. If you’re looking for someone to help you physically transform your life, develop core confidence, and get that full lifestyle change around farming family dynamic. Scroll up and send me a message!

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