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David Hauser

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Not just another startup community *****************************πŸš€ πŸ– πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί ***************************** Silicon Beach was founded in 2008 by the first tech startup founders in Sydney. Silicon Beach quickly became the place to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and get empowered and energised by the can-do attitude imported from the Silicon Valley. Some of the early members and most prominent success stories include Mike Cannon-Brookes and Atlassian. Having been Australia's first startup community, we are working tirelessly to spread the entrepreneurial spirit into all corners of Australia and connect founders and startup enthusiasts regardless of their location or industry. Creating the nation's one-stop-shop for all startup needs and the No.1 community for founders and entrepreneurs. At Silicon Beach, we host numerous activities such as virtual pitch nights business, product and service design events. Come and join our networking events on Clubhouse too. πŸ“£ Virtual Pitch Nights πŸŽ“ Online and Face-2-Face Education πŸ•ΈοΈ Networking We create a safe space for founders, entrepreneurs, and businesses to gain global connections, industry access, and support from like-minded community members. We hope to continuously keep expanding, bringing more exciting events, and grow our tribe of creative and fearless innovators in the future. Join us on this journey to explore your passion and startup dream! https://www.siliconbeach.org.au Silicon Beach Australia >>> From 1st to No.1 *****************************πŸš€ πŸ– πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί ***************************** πŸ“£ Pitch your startup, business or idea live on zoom every first Thursday of the month πŸ“£ https://www.siliconbeach.org.au/pitch *****************************πŸ”Έ πŸ”Ά πŸ”Έ ***************************** THNK.innovation - better designs for a better future We are designing our programs around the design thinking methodology. A simple 5-step process to help you ➜ to Enhance your understanding of your clients and customers pains, gains and desires ➜ to Create a clearly defined customer persona to keep you on target throughout your product and service design process ➜ to ideate with purpose and in a structured way that builds confidence in your solutions ➜ to build prototypes quick and early, saving you and your customers and clients money, time and pain in the long run ➜ to test your products and services in an efficient manner that is returning clear answers on the most important questions for the success of your business or startup

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