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Dealla Shahnavazi's Linkedin Analytics

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Dealla Shahnavazi

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🚀 As a software engineering student at BAU in Turkey, I’m on a mission to transform innovative ideas into reality. 🌟 🧠 My tech toolkit spans various programming languages, database management, security, web design, and AI wizardry. While my official work experience might be limited, I’ve been part of dynamic teams, collaborating on exciting projects that push boundaries. 🎓 I’m determined to complete my bachelor’s degree and dive headfirst into the world of data science for my master’s. My passion lies in crafting apps that make a difference, like my recent project, a lyric interpreter. 🌍 I firmly believe that we should contribute more to the world than we consume. “Take it easy or make it easy?” is my motto, advocating for simplifying lives and making a positive impact. 🎧 Outside of the tech realm, you’ll find me immersed in thought-provoking podcasts, engaging in discussions about psychology and philosophy, hitting the gym for a dose of motivation, enjoying morning runs, and vibing to the rhythm of UK rap. 🏋️‍♂️🤔🎤 Let’s connect and explore the possibilities of making the world a little easier and brighter together! 🌐🤝

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