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Dean Mousad's Linkedin Analytics

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Dean Mousad

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With over eight years of experience in the non-profit organisation management industry, I am a passionate and dedicated social services consultant who strives to empower individuals and communities to overcome their challenges and achieve their potential. As the Managing Director of Brothers In Need, a charity that provides humanitarian and social support to vulnerable groups in Australia, I oversee the operations, strategy, and partnerships of the organisation, ensuring that we deliver high-quality and impactful services to our beneficiaries. In addition, I am the Co-Founder of Project Quran, a digital platform that aims to make the Quran accessible and engaging for everyone, and the Founder and CEO of Invictus Solutions Au, a consultancy firm that offers counselling, mentoring, and workshops to institutions and individuals who seek to enhance their personal and professional development. Through these ventures, I leverage my skills and qualifications in counselling and community services, as well as my expertise in youth mentoring, entrepreneurship, leadership, and event management, to create positive change and inspire others to do the same.

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