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Deborah Franzi's Linkedin Analytics

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Deborah Franzi

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Hi there! I’m a highly motivated, goal-driven and organized Marketing professional passionate about optimizing and improving everything that surrounds me. My proven track record allows me to support your company's growth strategy with a tailored Marketing strategy that is both data-and value-driven. My experiences in both multinationals and small agile enterprises leading small teams have allowed me to develop a strategic yet pragmatic approach to any endeavor I undertake. All in all, I strive for Business Excellence and results whilst maintaining a balanced approach to life and enjoying the process! I am fluent in English, French, German and Spanish. Areas of expertise: Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, Branding, Brand Management, Product Management, Digital Campaigns, Rebranding, Marketing for M&A I cherish my CORE VALUES that drive me on a daily basis: ✔authenticity ✔vulnerability ✔curiosity ✔growth ✔learning ✔creativity ✔responsibility ✔accomplishment ✔freedom ✔adventure ✔friendship ✔loyalty ✔empathy ✔compassion ✔fun I am more than convinced that we all possess untapped potential and that with a growth mindset, you can achieve anything. I want to work with individuals who share this mindset and can envision themselves winning. 🌍On the side, I’m also passionate about traveling the world, foreign cultures, people, languages, linguistics, literature, personal development, trail running, playing and listening to music in all its forms and above all, laughing.

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