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Denise Marie Filmore

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🌟 In the wake of the post-pandemic corporate landscape, a silent tide of disenfranchised grief has crept into our workplaces. The pandemic's aftershocks have left organizations grappling with a workforce burdened by unseen losses. The absence of normalcy, routine, and loss of life has culminated in a collective grief that many leaders are struggling to address, often unacknowledged, can stifle personal well-being and professional development. While emotional intelligence—our ability to understand and manage emotions—has been a buzzword in corporate circles for years, it's no longer sufficient. We need to delve deeper into the realm of emotional mastery. According to a recent study by Ernst & Young (EY), 54% of workers left a previous job because their boss wasn't empathetic to their struggles at work, and 49% said employers were unsympathetic to their personal lives. "This 'business as usual' mentality caused a ripple effect that some experts believe may have contributed to the Great Resignation." ~ Ernst & Young As an expert in Emotional Mastery, Workplace Performance, and Neuroscience Strategy, I'm at the forefront of addressing this hidden crisis. With deep personal experience in navigating profound loss, I understand the complexities of grief. I've transformed my own life and business after losing my son and grandson, and now I channel that resilience and adaptability into a force for change within the corporate world. Emotional intelligence is the foundation, but emotional mastery is the structure we build upon to navigate life's challenges. Our emotional mastery workshops offer a comprehensive approach that goes beyond recognizing and understanding emotions. By integrating neuroscience insights into our emotional mastery workshops, we empower employees to reshape their neural pathways, fostering a mindset geared towards holistic and constructive self-expression and enhancing communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. My commitment is unwavering: to transform how executives, professionals, and leaders confront and rise above the unforeseen and the unimaginable. It's time to move beyond emotional intelligence and embrace the full spectrum of emotional mastery in our ever-evolving world. For Workshops, Group Coaching, and Executive Coaching, let's connect: [email protected]. https://www.denisemariefilmore.com One-to-one coaching for high-achieving women professionals and emerging leaders. https://www.denisemariefilmore.com/elite-emotional-mastery

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