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Dennis Ola

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Managing a community and being a team leader is my passion, diligent about growth, participating, and organizing events online, and offline on the blockchain, crypto, web3, and health creating awareness and engagement in different ecosystem communities. After spending over 5 years volunteering and working with various health organizations to learn basic health and technical skills. I got into the web3 space to follow my dream to make the world a healthier place using my social media management skills to: •Build, and create discord, and telegram, installing bots to make the community secure from spam and external threats. •Gaining collaboration in that way improves traction and community engagement boosting investors' interest by 37% •Ensuring a decent and healthy community by moderating and taking suggestions from members making it a welcoming place for transactions. EXPERTISE: community management, moderating, bot installation, social media management, event organization, ambassadorship, and volunteering. CONTACT: feel free to reach me here on LinkedIn directly or email me: [email protected] you can call me directly: +23407034400818

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