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Derick Akpuchukwu, MPA's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Derick Akpuchukwu, MPA

Derick Akpuchukwu, MPA

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As a financial analyst I contribute to the company's financial planning and analysis, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. I use my software development skill to create and maintain financial models and dashboards, automate processes, and improve data quality and accuracy. I also support the sales and operations teams with data-driven insights and recommendations to optimize performance and profitability. I have a master's degree in public administration and a bachelor's degree in public policy from Georgia State University, where I focused on city, urban, community and regional planning, and economic development and planning. I am passionate about using my knowledge and skills to help my community through civic engagement and economic development initiatives. I enjoy mentoring students and children who need guidance, and learning from my experiences and challenges. I am always eager to connect with people who share my values and goals.

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