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Des Walsh

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Being a leader can be great. When all’s going well. When it’s not, leadership can be lonely. I’ve been there, which is why I love being able as a coach to support others experiencing that sense of isolation in decision-making, dealing with dramas, and strategizing. • Business owners and other leaders who work with me get: ⭐attentive listening ⭐the clarity they need to hold to their vision ⭐heightened focus on what’s important, not just urgent ⭐practical business wisdom ⭐ informed awareness of the impact and possibilities of emerging technologies I support business owners in building on their strengths, so they can move more confidently in the direction of their dreams. • Why Me? There are hundreds of thousands of coaches out there. Why choose me? There are five particular strengths I bring: ⭐attentive listening ⭐emerging technology awareness ⭐practical wisdom – this is not my first rodeo ⭐strategic thinking • Listening The world has become a very noisy place. Attention spans are short. Finding someone to listen attentively has become a serious challenge. My clients expect of me first of all that I will just listen to them, so I have a crystal clear understanding of their issues. • Emerging Technologies I’m studying with experts about practical applications, benefits and risks of the new world of AI, ChatGPT and the rest, and have an expert network to call upon when needed. • My Aim My aim in all my coaching is to elicit your greatness as a leader. • What others say Des has a wealth of real-world experience, not the textbook approach many coaches you'll come across. I'd highly recommend chatting with him if your business is in or entering the digital space. Adam Houlahan, LinkedIn Expert It has been my pleasure to have Des as my business coach for the past 19 years. Des combines all the fundamentals of a good coach – expert knowledge; clear manner; guidance and suggestion rather than didactic instruction – with a leading edge knowledge of the way social media can improve my business. He is a trusted colleague and a key part of the continued success of my firm. Kris Gale, Chairman of Michael Johnson Associates _____________________________ • Get in Touch Is it time for us to have a confidential conversation? Would that be worth 20 minutes of your time? Call me on +61 413 089 355 (phone or WhatsApp), email me at [email protected] or message me via LinkedIn.

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