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Devis Rutayuga

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As I deeply reflect on my professional journey as a telecom guy, I am struck by the poetry of the path. Every experience, every challenge, every triumph has been a brushstroke on the canvas of this not-everlasting life. n' my work, I have always strived to push the boundaries of what is possible. n' have honed my craft in exploring the depths of its intricacies and the vastness of its potential. I have sought out "somewhat" new techniques, new approaches, new ways of seeing things, always hungry for the next challenge and the next chance to create something truly transcendent. For me,Fiber Optics Specialist is not just a profession, but a calling... It is a chance to explore the mysteries of the science, to decode the secrets of technology, and to bring new forms of beauty and meaning into the society through engineering. So what does the future holds then? I'm super excited to continue exploring new horizons, to delve deeper into ICT, and to use my skills and passions to make a positive impact in this beautiful world. I love to share and learn,unlearn and relearn from others both technical and practical industrial experiences. As such if you are in same affection of science and technology, I invite you to join me on this journey, to create something truly splendid and transformative together.

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