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Deyvid Lavandeira's Linkedin Analytics

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Deyvid Lavandeira

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I am a passionate and experienced professional in the field of electronic diagnostics, with a solid seven-year history focused on CAN network testing on embedded systems with self-diagnosis. My career allowed me to face complex and dynamic challenges, where I had the opportunity to apply my knowledge in programming in a specific external language for vehicle diagnosis. This skill not only strengthened my knowledge of electronic systems, but also helped me improve processes, reduce costs and increase diagnostic efficiency. My journey also includes three years of experience in and ongoing process and project management, which has allowed me to hone my leadership and improvement skills. Driven by innovation, I am committed to keeping up with the constantly evolving demands of the electronics and software industry. My solid technical background, degree and specialization along with my diverse experience and interpersonal skills allow me to make a significant contribution to any team. I am free with the ability to connect with industry professionals and collaborate to achieve mutual goals.

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