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Majety D.

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As a Product Manager at Tekion, I am passionate about solving problems that could have been avoided in the first place. I leverage my agile project management skills and framework mindset to deliver innovative and user-centric solutions for the automotive industry. Before joining Tekion, I led the product team at Pintar, an ed-tech startup, where I was instrumental in launching the B2B product, driving the product strategy, and coaching the product team. I also received multiple awards for my outstanding performance and support. I have a B.E. in Computer Science from MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, and I have completed several industry relevant certifications and courses on product management, managing technical professionals, and mentoring. I am also fluent in English, Telugu, and Hindi. I am selectively curious and a change agent, interested in defining the "what" and "why" of things. I am always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge and insights with others. I am also an active member of the ADPList community, where I offer mentorship and guidance to aspiring and fellow product managers.

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