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Laura Di Paolo

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New Work and Corporate Inclusion is not only an HR topic, but a leadership mindset. We can all enjoy our interactions more if we work on our biases and use our privilege to advocate for equity! Growing up with three different cultures while living in many different places, at an early age I became aware of the impact of diversity, longed for equity and learned several times to find belonging in a new home. In the professional context, I have also worked on overcoming my own biases (and still do) and witness the power of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which is scientifically proven: ✨Diverse teams lead in an inclusive way are the most successful teams.✨ I’m currently completing a degree in Business Communication to sharpen my entrepreneurial perspective. I believe that in every aspect, communication is key to promoting what you stand for and cultivating relationships. 🗯 Let’s exchange in a private message about your ideas, projects challenges and network groups in the field of Incusive Leadership, New Work, Communications, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion!

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