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Diana Cappello's Linkedin Analytics

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Diana Cappello

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Making it better. I am a teacher at heart but by day I go by PreSales Leader. My background is selling in the startup Saas space; I started in Sales and Marketing but quickly pivoted, 7 years as an SFDC admin + other cloud apps, followed by 9+ years in Sales Engineering. And I'm constantly learning. I'm a bay area native with a degree in Film and Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. When I'm not in the office I'm snowboarding in Tahoe. Specialties: Public Speaking, Eightfold, HR software, Hiring, Install based selling, Clari, Forecasting, Revenue Operations, Salesforce.com, Quote to Cash automation, Marketing automation, enterprise software sales, lead management, email marketing, identifying new opportunities, event planning, customer success, webinar management, training, business systems, process development and more.

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