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Dimitrije Kastavarac's Linkedin Analytics

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Dimitrije Kastavarac

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Dimitrije is an accomplished professional who has successfully operated in a variety of roles over the last year and a half. As a Marketing Operations Lead for the Content Marketing Team, he helped frame the service offering, set up delivery operations and creative project management and scaled the organization with content creators, specialists, and producers. In addition, he took on the role of Head of the Content and Advertising team, expanding the team with Brand Directors, Art Directors and Conceptors/Creative Copywriters and creating engaging campaigns, content, and branding strategies for top brands like ECCO, Bacardi, KitchenAid, Rituals, HEMA, and others. Throughout his career, Dimitrije has been a culture-shaper, people lead, operations lead, and community/customer engagement team leader in fast-paced and fast-growing organizations and teams. As an HR Manager/People Head in a marketing SaaS scale-up in Amsterdam, he advised the CEO and guided the company to define its culture and create a roadmap to consistently improve and perpetuate value and a people-centric, empowering, and inclusive culture. He also set up efficient and consistent HR processes, and employer branding and mastered his skills in team leading, employee coaching and development, team/employee wellbeing, and care in both tech and non-profit industries. Dimitrije's passion for Agile, Lean, and Data-Driven approaches, methodologies, and processes have helped him optimize and improve processes and productivity in his personal life while helping teams and employees work smarter and declutter their work and life, ultimately helping them perform at their best. His love for healthy, inspiring, and creative communication has driven him to continually practice his communication as a leader through skills such as public speaking, writing, and artwork in marketing, tech, and non-profit industries. Dimitrije's diverse skill set, experience, and passion for driving value and growth make him a valuable asset to any organization looking to thrive in today's fast-paced business world. He is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for employees and volunteers. He has a proven track record of success in leading and establishing HR operations/processes. He is a thought leader in his field and always seeks new ways to innovate, improve and elevate the organizations he works with.

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