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Dina B.

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Experienced in end-to-end planning, designing and development of highly effective learning solutions for Talent Management and enterprise wide initiatives. With over 10 years of experience in education and instructional design, I am a seasoned professional who delivers engaging and effective learning solutions for various audiences and contexts. As a Sr. Sales Trainer - Instructional Designer at Transamerica, I am spearheading the development and implementation of a comprehensive training program to prepare over 3000 end-users for a new software adoption in 2023. I excel at coordinating with vendors, subject matter experts, and managers to design and deliver training that meets the business needs and the learners' preferences. I use various e-learning software-authoring tools, such as Articulate Storyline, Rise, and Camtasia, to create onboarding training, blended learning experiences, and e-learning courses. I also create and conduct in-person and virtual led instruction, quick reference guides, and videos to support the sales team. I am passionate about creating relevant and impactful learning experiences that enable learners to achieve their goals and enhance their performance.

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