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Dominic Kronthaler's Linkedin Analytics

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Dominic Kronthaler

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🚀 Ready to supercharge your business growth? I'm Dominic Kronthaler, the founder of Adsperformer ApS, a game-changing social media marketing agency specializing in turbocharging revenue and sales for Hotels and E-Commerce businesses. 🏆 We're a dynamic, award winning agency based in Copenhagen, recognized for our expertise in driving rapid results through strategic paid advertising and AI-powered solutions. We won the award for the best online marketing agency for Hotels 2022 in whole Scandinavia. 🌍 With a global presence spanning 80+ countries, we've helped countless businesses achieve remarkable success. Our track record includes managing over $20 million in ad spend, resulting in a phenomenal 6x increase in sales. 📈 Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your business. Book a FREE ad strategy call with me now ➡️ www.calendly.com/domikronthaler/discoverycall

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