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Dr Affan Faiq Zada's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Dr Affan Faiq Zada

Dr Affan Faiq Zada

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As the Head of Campus at The Indus Hospital, I oversee the operations and administration of a 100-bedded hospital, providing quality and affordable healthcare services to under-served communities. With over 15 years of experience in the medical field, I am a certified Family Physician, a Public Health Specialist, and a Health Tech Strategist, with a passion for improving health outcomes and access through innovation and technology. I have successfully led and managed various projects and programs in the domains of EMR, EHR, HMIS, ICD-10 Coding, Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, Reproductive Health, and INGOs, working with diverse stakeholders and partners across the public and private sectors. I am also a visiting faculty member at the Central Institute of Family Medicine, where I train and mentor the next generation of family medicine practitioners. I hold an MBBS, an MPH, an MCPS (Family Medicine), and an EMBA (HRM). I am fluent in English, Urdu, and Pashto, and have a French Language Certification from NUML.

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