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Dr Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Dr Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades

Dr Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades

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Dr. Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades is a distinguished biotech innovator and entrepreneur, specializing in transformative oncological care and personalized therapies. Co-founder of groundbreaking companies like Theramir, Promed and RSL, she's been at the forefront of revolutionary advancements in cancer treatment and regenerative medicine. A King’s College London alumnus and recipient of numerous accolades including the 2022 King’s Distinguished Alumni Award in STEM, The TechIsland Award, Marianna combines her profound academic expertise with a passionate commitment to mentorship and women’s empowerment in STEM, striving to inspire and foster the next generation of scientific leaders.

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