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Nadia Boutaoui, PhD, EMBA-Healthcare

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There are two ways to achieve product-market fit: 1. Top-down: Develop a product & find a market 2. Bottom-up: Understand the needs of customers, & develop a product that meets those needs 33% of startups fail due to NO MARKET NEED Healthcare and tech companies struggle with identifying the right target market. Achieving product-market fit is a challenge even when they have a target market. Without achieving product-market fit, a company's growth potential is limited. You are wasting thousands of dollars on ineffective marketing, constantly worrying about low adoption rates, and struggling to gain market traction. In the best-case scenario, you get a few customers through advertising or referrals. On top of that, you are struggling to communicate the value of your solution to your stakeholders: what to use in your messaging? how to stand out from the competition? Now imagine you developed a product that people want. Customers are contacting you, and sales do not feel like selling. You get more customers through referrals and word of mouth from existing customers. You are focused on growing your company instead of worrying about whether people will pay for your product or service. You may be asking: How will I get to that stage? That’s where we can help: CUSTOMER DISCOVERY PROGRAM: - Test hypotheses about your target market, clarify your value proposition and determine your go-to-market strategy in just six weeks - Gain trusted expertise from our founder, who holds an Executive MBA in healthcare, is certified in tech Innovation and entrepreneurship, and has won multiple business competitions. WOMEN'S ENTREPRENEUR MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY: - Join a supportive community of like-minded women entrepreneurs in healthcare and tech - Gain clarity and confidence with expert advice and actionable business and time-saving tips - Overcome the isolation and overwhelm of starting a business and achieve success in our community ORGAN-ON-CHIP TECHNOLOGY: - Improve preclinical efficacy testing of respiratory drugs with NanoNares' award-winning technology - Incorporate organ-on-chip technologies in your preclinical efficacy testing and save time and money on animal testing Are you serious about growing your healthcare and tech business and making an impact? Send me a direct message. Let's make an impact together! Credentials: Ph.D. in Genetics, Exec MBA in Healthcare Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship (TIE) Specialties: Healthcare Technology, Business strategy & analytics, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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