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Dr. Paulette Dale is a Professor Emeritus of Speech Communication/Linguistics. She is an internationally known author and consultant in the area of Assertiveness Training, English Pronunciation, Public Speaking, and is fluent in Spanish. Her published works include an abundance of articles, and successful ESL texts published by Pearson Education. Paulette has been interviewed by such respected magazines as Redbook, New Women, Women's Day, and Cosmopolitan relative to assertive communication for women. She has been featured in The New York Times, Huffington Post, The Washington Post, USA Today, Business Insider, Newsweek, People Magazine, Vanity Fair, and on NBC Live, MSNBC, Fox News, to name a few. She has even been parodied on Saturday Night Live. (Paulette likes to quip, “I usually find SNL skits hilarious, NOT this time. I guess that’s because it was about me!” ) She received her Ph.D. from the U of Florida in 1980 and was the recipient of a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship in International Education. As an English-Language Specialist for the U.S. State Dept., she has been the featured speaker at countless international conferences in Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Argentina, Guatemala, Costa Rica, China, the former Soviet Union and the Philippines. She was honored in the fifth anniversary edition of Mirabella Magazine as one of one thousand women who should be celebrated for her passion dedication and strength. The new edition of her popular and timeless book: “Did You Say Something, Susan? How Any Woman Can Gain Confidence With Assertive Communication is now available on Amazon and most online booksellers. Paulette received recognition on the floor of the U.S. Congress by the Honorable Carrie Meek as documented in the Congressional Record (May 20, 1999). Congressional Record Excerpt “Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to Dr. Paulette Dale of Miami-Dade College in Miami, Florida, for her contributions towards the emotional betterment of all people. Recently, Dr. Dale published a book on assertiveness which she hopes will help women to develop self-esteem. Dr. Dale believes that low-esteem is too pervasive in America, particularly among women. It is a privilege to pay tribute to Dr. Paulette Dale, who uses her vast knowledge and her own life experiences to help others.”

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