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Dr. Rana Abo Amra

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Rana Abo Amra, is working in the League of Arab States (LAS), as Electoral Affairs Officer in the department of the Electoral Affairs in the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, in 2017 she worked as Political Affairs Officer in the Cabinet of the Secretary General (The unit of Palestine and Arab Affairs), previously she was in charge of the Arab-Latin Cooperation, Americas Department in the International Relations Division in LAS, During this period she participated and prepared for the four Arab South American Summits (ASPA). As for the Academic Background, Abo Amra graduated from Faculty of Economics and Political Science in Cairo University and her PHD Dissertation submitted to the same University titled “The Role of the Electoral Process in Democratic Consolidation, A Comparative Study of Brazil, Chile and Ecuador”. She published her book on failed states in Arabic in 2014, and published studies and articles in reputable academic periodicals in Al-Ahram in Egypt and other Arab countries in the field of political science Since 2008. Abo Amra has participated as international observer in LAS Electoral Observation Missions in Presidential and General Elections in Algeria, Egypt, South Sudan, Ecuador and Iraq. Also she is a fully accredited trainer in UN Program on Building Resources in Democracy Governance and Elections “Bridge”, she participated as a Lead facilitator in the Arab Thought Foundation Annual Conference, the premiere conference in the Arab region, that was held in 7-8/12/2015 and presided the closing session, in 2016 Fikr conference she was a member in the Advisory Board of the conference. In 2018 she joined the Reaserch Comittee (RC13) in the International Political Science Association (IPSA) as a member of the executive board during the period (2018-2023), the Committee is working on the topic “Democratization in Comparative Perespctive”

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