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Vinay Kumar

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A Development Communication Professional with more than 6 years of experience in designing Communication Campaigns for Inclusion & Disability, Education, Health and Nutrition, Passionate and Practicing Behavior Change Communication, Theatre for social change and Communication for Social Development. An Alumnus of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi and Gandhi Fellowship, Possesses strong communication skills both written and verbal. A team player who strives to contribute effectively. Always keen to learn new things which enhance the ability of working in an organization as well as personal level. Specialties - Campaign Designing, Social Media Strategy, Media from folk to traditional and New Media. Theater for social change. Fellowships I have been part of-: - Gandhi Fellow - Anubhav Lecture Seriese - Give India Fellow - Lightup Emotion Matter Fellow - The Creative Fellowship - Started STEP AHEAD to support young aspirants for fellowships and Development Sector Jobs -World Record Theatre Campaign against Malnutrition in Kumbh-2019.

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